In the throes of cancer treatment, one Destiny player finally got the help that he needed to make it to the…
In the throes of cancer treatment, one Destiny player finally got the help that he needed to make it to the…
I’m pretty sure all of those groups that finished it in those kinds of time frames were dedicated, very hardcore groups that were lead by top Destiny youtubers and streamers... A group like mine would take much, MUCH longer to finish a raid blind. We’ve spent four hours on raids that we knew all the mechanics for.
The upcoming Destiny 2 will be a total reset for your Destiny 1 characters, Bungie said today, confirming that you…
When a game is as pretty as Destiny can be, it deserves more than some Mega Bloks sets. McFarlane Toys sets things…
Every morning, I run a pick through my hair. It’s important that I do this when it’s still spongy and damp from the…
Sometimes, Twitch streamer lucent_beam decides to take on what she calls ‘The Tower Challenge,’ a game where she…
Although some of the folks behind Destiny 2 might crave more time to add content and beef up the game, here’s an interesting bit of news to consider: If Bungie misses this year for Destiny 2, Activision is awarded a hefty chunk of the independent studio’s stock, according to two sources familiar with goings-on at…
There’s no game I get more questions about than Destiny 2, so here’s a little tidbit for those of you who are…