@spaceoden: hahaha, thank YOU!
@spaceoden: hahaha, thank YOU!
@something_unique_and_descripti...: thats just not even playing fair
@Jimal: if i ever get a small car (not including sporty cars) i mean economy cars, it would be an Alfa
@Maymar: haha, if Tatas are mentioned you down a machiato (cannot spell haha) and if something involving large Tatas comes up then just put some vodka into McDonald's coffee
@mantis8000: haha, THANK YOU, head on over to [Gizmodo.com] and you will see true carnage, i think there are 9 articles just yesterday and today about the iPhone... but they did publish a link for both apple free and iPhone free versions.
@numero1fan4u: yes
Yea you messed up by the way, it should be "Given the rate that Mac trashes PC" because no matter how many Apple/iPod fanboys & girls line up to say how great it is (usually just for the sake of being 'loyal to the product') or how wrong i am by saying...
that is pretty interesting, i have hours of dickering to get to!
Ouch NPR? that makes me shudder but okay...
Cant wait, i love the show
@Adamskiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy: that car... that car... I am at a loss for words, I would actually rather have that car than my favorite car since i was a child, Viper GTS...
@smokyburnout: yes thats what i meant by "almost" i should have said all Cadillacs share the same styling idea.
Not even kidding, I would literally kill someone for a skyline, even under these circumstances which are sketchy, and good luck getting street legal, but it would be oh so worth it... *salivate*
I'd like to see some Coloni cars in production to be honest
1. What new companies will arise to fill the void when GM finally goes down the tube? *cough* A SECOND TIME? last time the gov bailed them out *COUGH*
well this sure is 'exciting' all but it really is sad how many packages of the Mustang they make, stop attempting to compete with upper class cars, its a middle class car no matter what engine you force on it.
Nice, though i'd like to see some nicer cars