
guys guys come on... no need for the jokes, i think we all just wish we had big tatas like those will surely be, i know I sure wish i had big tatas sometimes...

other than a few more than obvious design flaws i think this might just be the upper end coupe chevy needs.

Does this really matter though? Cadillacs are basically just a bunch of vehicles based around the same body almost and filled with plastic, the only difference between this and matchbox cars is that matchbox cars are worth the ridiculous price tag.

this makes me want to get some weed and pack all my friends into a van for a road trip to Tijuana!

Fire Jeremy Clarkson? that is the worst idea since the re-usable condom !

am i the only one that thinks this car is horrifying?

hmm thats an interesting design for a convertible, i wonder how the convertible handles compared to the regular...

@smalleyxb122: Well I sure hope he fiberglassed over it because if not then they are sure going to be disappointed come summertime

ah! this is a great idea now we just need to get one of these put in a Peel P50!

a bit of an oddity but hey who am I to knock it before i try it?