
What does taking care of horses have to do with phone tech?

So now we’re taking COMEDIANS seriously? Seriously? Let's just go ahead and get rid of free speech right now. Your anger is misplaced.

Jesus, that's brilliant and cost-effective. How do we get you elected?

I was the last one to leave the office. It was dark. The parking lot was empty. I hopped in my space gray metallic BMW 335i hardtop convertible and drove forward instead of backing out of the space. There were no cars and no parking stops, so I figured it was fine. I got about 4 feet and I heard a crunch and the car

“American Indians”? I was actually confused for a minute as to whether they were somehow talking about Indian people. Is that what Native Americans are called now? I thought they didn't want to be called Indians, and that they prefer to be called by their tribal nations, but collectively aren't they still called

Full disclosure: The author himself is a known human, and is therefore partial to their survival. Where are the citations, studies, and statistics to support the claim that humans are worth saving? Is this an opinion piece?

You can’t prove that human sacrifice doesn’t affect climate change. For all we know, lack of ceremonial sacrifice is a prime contributor. The gods are angry that we kill wantonly with irreverence instead of intentionally with honor. Bring back the olde ways. Science is the devil’s trickery. Who’s with me?!

Bravo. I thought you were going to say to correct “periodic (but irregular)“. Periodic is the opposite of irregular. Instead of “periodic”, perhaps “occasional” or “intermittent”. If there is a certain periodicity but with a variance—for example, let’s say every 400k years +/- 50k years—then perhaps “periodic (but

It’s exactly the excuses and “reasons” against doing that prevent us from becoming bigger than our circumstances. Sometimes you have to take a leap. See my post on the main article above.

I wouldn’t have had the success I have today if I hadn’t embraced this philosophy. Take a job I’m really not all that sure I can do? Check. Push management to allow me to get on a new account that will open up more opportunities for me? Check. Take a management position they offered me three months later? Check. Push