Jon Myers

Don’t forget they’re also fighting automation which makes our ports less efficient and our economy inefficient. It also potentially sets us up for more supply side constraints at ports like we had over the past couple years. From what I understand, our ports are already quite inefficient compared to other major

“Became lost while using his GPS"? I read that as "tried to cut across illegally after missing his exit"

This comment that cars are shit today has been said by every generation of old man going back to the 50s.

The former “Top Gear” and “Grand Tour” host bemoaned the fact that modern cars are getting too heavy for his liking.

Batteries are and can be recycled.

First Gear: The media has GOT to stop equating “some dude skimming a few Google search results” and “scientists painstakingly subjecting a falsifiable hypothesis to experiment.”

These are the kind of stops cops should be making and charging people for, not “5 over in a 55.” I also think that any money collected for traffic stops should go into traffic safety programs, not law enforcement budgets. Make people pay for their own driver’s (re)education.

For me, 10 is a no.  5, though...  Thats cheap enough for the risk.

The fine doesn’t match the crime. The punishment should be to sit in a enclosed cubicle pumped full of the emisions that come from these idiotic modifications.

“Subjectively cool”?

Don’t see an issue, BMW’s are the ultimate driving machine not the ultimate braking machine.

It’s a step in the right direction, but I hope it’ll eventually lead to other more extreme measures taken, like weight restrictions on vehicles in areas with greater population density, namely large cities. Parked my motorcycle next to a GMC Heavy Duty 2500 King Cab Long Ranch (whatever....sue me) and the darn thing

This assumes the driver is looking in the first place, but we have to admit, front-end visibility is getting much worse on new SUVs, especially compared to the sedans and station wagons of yore.

It’s obviously the tow truck drivers fault. He didn’t fight to the death the keep the guy from stealing his truck 🤣

I had to go to our local equivalent of the DMV this morning. While there, I had the pleasure of listening to a guy at the counter refuse to understand for nearly 20 minutes that he had to pay his parking fines in order to renew his license plate. Let me say I hate the “DMV” and all the regulatory nonsense they enforce

I think that it is ok for neighborhoods/ cities to want a peaceful environment. I don’t think that “unmodified” vehicles should be exempt from sound enforcement you should be able to short shift/keep the vehicle in a higher gear to keep the RPMs down. There is a difference between driving a loud car and being

Exceeding a certain decibel level definitely makes sense as there are many cars that are outrageously loud.

Or, and I know this sounds crazy, fine the shit out of Lamborghini until they start putting proper mufflers on their cars. I’m 100% certain that there’s a solution that’s already made for any number of other VAG brands that will do the trick.

This is becoming a problem in multiple states it seems.

A U.S. CEO can certainly screw things up too, but I don’t think GM’s Carplay decision is even close to the existential problem facing Stellantis.