
Did you know Trump wants to lower income taxes to FUCKING ZERO on anyone making under $25k a year? Of course you didn’t because you’re busy tugging to videos of Berkley protestors burning street lamps and throwing rocks at Amazon advertisements on your laptop that was shipped to you by FUCKING AMAZON!

It is difficult to comprehend the level of damage Trump has done to global stability in 12 days. In short: we are all completely fucked. 

“It is difficult to comprehend the level of damage Trump has done to global stability in 12 days.”

The silly thing is that Drudge often plays games/makes jokes with its images and story placement. Search “Drudge Juxtaposition” for MANY examples.

Oh for crying out loud. “Drudge posted this so they must believe it’s real! Although I’ll mention further down in the article I have absolutely no idea if this is true or not, I want everyone to think Drudge and everyone who reads it is a stupid, gullible moron! Ha ha ha! Republicans are so stupid and this proves

You sure you want to reference snopes, NY Times, and the post as evidence? Their bias has been painful to witness.

This is exactly what journalism is (well at least what it is supposed to be). An objective presentation of the facts. This guy nailed it.

Fixed It for ya.

Correction: He did America a big favor. But yea dems and libs hate him for exposing truth. Sad.

Probably to stay out of a US federal prison on trumped-up charges for the rest of his life. This was never about alleged rapes in Sweden.