
well that's one way to get human cheese.

What happened to the old computer?

Well i guess I've been doing it wrong all this time since I get my Hotmail on my phone just fine since the early 2000s. It lives happily with my Gmail accounts.

for when you are away from a big screen and are itching for some video entertainment. toilets, trains, planes, and automobiles.

Very true but since this is a gaming oriented blog.....

SIGH. Another one for that demographic. I wish one publisher/distributor/promoter would be different and not pander to the lowest common denominator.

Moderation will help.

Variety is the spice of life.

Damn it!! I just got my PC setup to run Crysis maxed out and now they release another game that raises the bar way too high. Oh well, at least I've got 5.00 bucks to burn on another octuple SLI GPU.

I just want to thank you for a well said, sane, and understanding comment on both sides of the gender divide. If you are actually female, you rock x100 for not just spewing fire and brimstone.

My thoughts exactly. She must have something on him.

Lol! I agree.

Toilet paper?


All i can say now is... YAY!!! ^__^

I have a rare mental impediment that stops me from spelling those. I see it as a blessing so don't be prejudice about my handicap.

I prefer the sudden realization of the smashed glass of your iphad as your ifone slipped from your hand onto it whilst trying to vigorously shake out that last piece of animated file.

If i had a better camera i'd show you my PS Move controller with a nice coat of dust.