@chauncy that billups: men's butts aren't as interesting as women's breasts I guess.
@chauncy that billups: men's butts aren't as interesting as women's breasts I guess.
@klick73: you guys are full of win. ^_^
Warp 9...... make it so
Rather have a high class hooker for the day, plus my gf. My birthday is still 2 months away, enough time to arrange it Owen's mom.
Omg! You didn't know? Wow.
Best invention since the dissolving bikini. ^_^
Fucked him out of his mind.
@Monty: So now all iraq people are terrorists now. Interesting.
@Andrés Ruiz: So Nokia dont make smartphones. I see.
So youre saying Kat, that Nokia phones are so bad that only cheap people, and old people would use them. You feel that strong;y that you wrote a whole "article" asking the question.
@okenny :) ...building bridges (to hide under): I was gonna say that.
Not prudish, just jerk-ish.
Joystik and Kotaku love the game, so I guess more justification for buying the special edition 360 S.
Nice to see them having fun.
Freeware ftw! It may be be functionally inferior to paid-ware, but at least my bank account wont be crying when the shit hits the fan.
@TrapperKeeper: Thats tight!
@Manly McBeeferton: I guess that's how Megan Fox gets her roles. Good acting ability not required as long as you look the part.
@hawkeye18: Thaaaaank you!
I like the ad, shame no vayjay-on demo.