
@MikeK1te: well at least one person here can think beyond prejudice and out of the box.

Number 1 selling game on Meamo 5 N900 for months now.

Bad Idea


At least she wasn't married to Mr blurrycam.

Where there is smoke there was fire. Of course bowser is the punk rock version with spikes and silly haircut.

Deep psychological issues with this lady. Pent up evil waiting to burst out but leaks out in her "art".

Beauty being strongly in the eye of the beholder in this case. Impresive use of a manikin, but far from attractive and practical (where are the ports?). The football stadium is very nice.

I'd rather have my remains burnt to ash than liquified and fed intraveniously to the living.

@McGinge: This trend of spartars revealing their faces is totally unacceptable. It wreaks of insurbordination in the ranks.

@Andinator: um...but wouldn't the possible existence of dinosaurs just encourage curious time travelers???

That can get quite annoting after a while, especially on less robust computers and internet connections.

Woah!! I just got a flashback of Stargate SG1 after I read that. Is it an homage to that?

I am glad to say I haven't had any gang letdown because I always check reviews and demo before I buy. I ain't rich so I won't just buy a game on a whim or a nice trailer. I may not have a large selection of games, but I have the few that I like.

I really felt sorry for those lock, especially the first one. Stop shooting it, its dead now, for the love of decency.