
I wonder if there is a bitch-slap move, just in case you're interupted by a fly.

@RicketyCricket: I plit my sides when he plugged in the cables.

@Jnas: Actually I think you'd be the corpse afterwards. Your skull hollowed out after your first climax, like many unfortunate male praying mantis and spiders during copulation.

Why isn't there a better way to shoot yourself in the head?

Well when did gizmodo turn into a tabloid? Could be the British influence.

@tomsau: nope it wasn't fatigue that killed the supposedly indestructible ps3, since I had hardly used it for a month. Lo and behold first time I fire it up for the beta, it runs, it freezes, I cycle the power on, and it refuses to play anything except music and video.

Its nice. I look forward to its software updates.

Never say an Apple idea is a bad idea, afterall look at the past 5 years of achievement and success of everything they have released.

Thanks for that little troll bait in brackets there Gordon. I for one have many other reasons for my choice of OS.

I got in the frist beta but it killed my PS3, i had to pay 165 for a replacement from sony and i found out my backup was currupted so i lost a few things.

I frikin' told ya so ^_^

@chefgon: thats a "quick rundown"? *faints*

I heard from a former employee that Mark Hurd ate babies and danced naked in calf blood.[UNCONFIRMED]

I told you so! ^_^

I stopped watching Pokemon years ago for the following reasons:

Whats all this nonsense i'm reading in the comments about feminism?

I have a strange feeling of deja vu from the post. I swear Giz posted this exact word for word article a month ago. Please confirm.

It certainly is scary.

@Orionsaint: My credit card is burning a hole in my shirt pocket right now.