
The mind seriously boggles.

Lol I was getting through the net this was long before gizmodo was a twinkle in the eye of yahoo groups.

Or maybe it just can't survive too long without constant updates, its what's been secretly holding it together all this time.

Youre soooo wrong Luke. Moustache twidling is not a gentleman things, its a Villain thing.

Its fucking beautiful. Pardon my french.

Well, a life lesson to all wealthy influencial men... stay away from women with headshots that look like a page from a victoria's secret catalogue.

No! It is not NIIICCCE.

The japanese have known the power of toilets for years. Bill is too late in the game there, even appl have the iPoop patent.

Of course if your wearing no clothes at all, then a nice wet vivid skidmark flanked by sweaty butt prints would do nicely.

@a sexy hot dog: The classic villain monologue. Gets them everytime.

I've seen and read accounts like this many times in the past but it always is an interest, like a morbid result of an experiment. It's always fascinating to realise how the body reacts to such extremes, as a scientist of course.

I hope you guys have done your research on this or you might be posting another apology article in a few weeks.

@Interstella5555: well some of the less seasoned proprietors tend to encourage such behaviour via some rather childish articles thus this is the result. Lead by example.

Evangelism is a powerful thing.

Joyeux l'anniversaire. May you live past the inevitable internet crash of 2012.

Well, just next time be careful when writing articles about real everyday people you havent actually met.

Good luck.