
I wouldn't eat it but to each there own.....Just be aware of all the cancer causing chemicals that are contained in that meat. If you don't know, I suggest you take a trip to a feed store and walk down the horse med aisle, take a look at the labels on MANY OR MOST of the product..."DO NOT USE ON ANIMALS INTENDED FOR

Do you realize the cancer causing chemicals that are contained in horse meat? 98% of all horses have been treated with bute, had fly spray applied to them, been given dewormers, and over a hundred other products which clearly have “ DO NOT USE ON ANIMALS INTENDED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION” printed on the label. Some of

I think people would be very stupid not to realize the meat on their plate was once a live animal. It is more like they rather not think of the animal once being alive. The saying “If slaughter houses had glass walls, there would be more vegetarians”, is true. May has always eaten meat, and I think always will, but

If there is no difference in taste, between horse meat, bison, or cow, then why bother eating horse or bison, when cows are raised for food.

If they are pets, they are NEVER dinner!