Slim Charles

Yeah, but we’re the ones who are all gentle, dainty, snowflakes, right? Are you serious? ESPN??? ESPN is the one who has harmed your political sensibilities so bad that you’re unable to watch it nowadays?

GTFO, grow a pair, and learn to tolerate people who hold different viewpoints. This is the exact type of dumb shit

Thats because you only see what you want to see. Ignorance is bliss and you are one blissful ignorant.

Now, how in the hell does racial tension benefit the economy in any way shape or form? Do you understand what you’re really saying or are you just parroting random pro-conspiracy sentiment that you heard elsewhere?

I’m going tell you why you’re wrong.

Stablility fosters growth. In the aggregate, when people go about

Newsflash: Things are changing around these parts. will live on through these other sites and I find it ohhhh soooo ironic and ENJOYABLE that this FACT is getting you in such a tizzy. But hey, you got what you wanted I’m sure, Gawker is dead. Now it’s time to act like a big boy and accept the consequences