john boy wonder

“Did he really take enough responsibility for the being in the way of Grayson’s arms, though?”

In OBJ’s defense, the grounds crew member kept telling him that he’s “not just a member of the grounds crew, he’s also a part owner of the team”.

I’m trying to visualize what kind of life decisions one has to make in order to be at imminent risk of being dessert for a family of desperately hungry weasels.

didn’t look like her speakers were malfunctioning to me ...

Is this Omar’s, the Hound’s or Bud from Repo Man’s code?

you know what, maybe i do want to be a pariah. maybe i want to show up to work in leggings and a cowboy hat and platform shoes sometimes because it makes me feel good. maybe, just maybe, i like to live a little. so take your conservative approach and throw it in with the chili. don’t tell me how to live my life.

Came for the Costanza reference. Have a star

They couldn’t reach agreeement on Hume’s first principles of the contents of the mind.

I’d start with when you get punched in the face and they fall down.

Steve Smith had 9 seasons of more than 70 receptions. Only 10 wide receivers have done that. Lets see if Beckham or Decker even *play* 9 seasons. If you change it to 60, he’s got 11 seasons, and he’s only one of 9 to do that. And he returned about 300 punts and kickoffs, for 6TD’s, a 25yd KO avg and a 9-yd punt avg).

How can anyone hate Baja Toyotas?!

Yeah, totally stupid, you’re right. I’m going to cancel my order right now.

Better than being the modern day Curt Schilling.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to invest in your 401k, especially if you have matching investments by your company (hard to find a return like that!).

Awesome! Last year we saved our cash gifts for both our birthdays and Christmas and used that to help pay off our credit cards early as a Christmas gift to ourselves (along with 125/month we saved up). Honestly the best gift we ever gave ourselves.

I don’t know the answer to your question. But I do know it has to be the basketball half court line...not a line from the volleyball court.

Please tell me someone else sees Justin Long and Constance Zimmer when they look at that Prime Pantry still shot

Please tell me someone else sees Justin Long and Constance Zimmer when they look at that Prime Pantry still shot