john boy wonder

Hey everyone, look at perfect over here!


The list of “Best Baby Races” is much more disturbing at Breitbart.

Fuck me I had never seen that Troy Aikman video. I love you guys.

No matter how many times you guys post it, I will NEVER get tired of that right cross.

I know it’s all about Diana Taurasi and Maya Moore but why does everybody forget about Sue Bird. Her teams are where this juggernaut really started.

Like football players in the South, the UConn women’s team is getting so much campus pussy.

That reminds me of a funny story. Actually it’s not so funny as it is long...

I think you’ve found your next sous-vide masterpiece.

For the record, I think the site’s collective attitude towards the Warriors is actually pretty gregious.

The shot clock in the Lebron dunk is at 13

I prefer my Irish coffee black, with no coffee.

You think that’s awkward? You should have seen the rookie who asked Rex Ryan about footing the bill.

Meriweather: Mr. Belichick, the bartender was hoping he could get paid now.

Newt Gingrich was on the radio this morning saying that the phrase “drain the swamp” is no longer in use with Trump. It was just something that sounded good to crowds to get elected.

Thank god. For a while there I thought I was being racist for thinking all the winners looked alike.

Haven’t seen someone spend this much time running around Philadelphia with inevitable disappointment on the horizon since Hillary Clinton.

On one hand, Beckham has a point.

Seriously, I’m still baffled by just how damn amazing that comic was. It makes no logical sense, but I am grateful for it.

Kieron Gillien gets it. Jason Aaron gets it.