john boy wonder

If you go back to the 1920s and 30s, there were several Australian cricket touring the States who had players who excelled at baseball as well. Maybe not League stuff straight away, but it wasn’t their main sport, more of a leisure activity. Nowadays there’s plenty who could do it, but unless some super talented kid

Good explanation. After the cricket guide posted a couple weeks back the clips posted make a lot more sense and are pretty interesting.

Okay, I am done watching Fox News.

Can someone else takeover?

I’ll meet you in Temecula.

No idea!

-San Diego Chargers.

Seriously. That’s Madness.

It’s nice to see a quarterback for the Browns call for a three man line that doesn’t involve a rolled up 20.

Anything that works for the Browns is weird.

“Pfft. I’ve kicked balls harder.”

Every World Cup, pundits ask what would happen if our best athletes chose soccer. Now we know.

We had more than that come through on the 5 house cul de sac I grew up in.

Does the boat captain know that the truck driver is the really the son he never knew from his reckless days in the Royal Netherlands Navy, and the man on the bike riding to sleep with the truck driver’s wife but sees the rope as a sign and has second thoughts?

Do what I did. Stop watching. It’s becoming a trend.

I love football, but Jesus Tapdancing Christ am I really starting to hate the NFL.

Ballers has titties, Any Given Wednesday only has boobs

Stale bread is for the birds, literally.