john boy wonder

we were so programmed to think it was bad...but if you really start thinking about it, NOT cleaning it occasionally is gross

Absolutely! however, FYI, they are NOT great at cleaning the inside of a garbage disposal :-D

My neck!


my manufacturer def makes them, i just forgot about them, as i don’t own even 1 as of now. its worth investigation.  thanks again

the latest album is astoundingly good

one of my favorite beaches in the WORLD! great name for a little girl

thats a good point. we buy chicken in 40# quantities, so while the initial investment of all of the containers would be expensive, it would be a long-term win.

i say YES! Mecha is the True Detective

Claire and everyone, this is cooking-adjacent, but one that i’ve been struggling with lately:

actually, looks pretty easy to translate: saute everything, then add to slow cooker until rice is soft.  thanks again for the recipe!

Claire, this looks amazing! However, I have 5 crockpots/slow cookers, and can’t bring myself to add the InstaPot. Any updates to this recipe based on no IP?

i still miss this dude every single day

stick to studying sex

excellent new music for me. placed in the queue.

fuck YES

Dead Roots Stirring album is a masterpiece

awesome track. awful end to that band. i’m still pissed off

both albums are fantastic.

he made that band