What in the world is this? This is horrible racism against white people I have ever seen. So you are demonizing some poor old white couple that eat at cracker barrel? So your view is there is no good and bad people only bad whites... interesting.
What in the world is this? This is horrible racism against white people I have ever seen. So you are demonizing some poor old white couple that eat at cracker barrel? So your view is there is no good and bad people only bad whites... interesting.
Uh, so you are saying these are “stupid cops” for stopping bad people from stealing and reckless driving? If your mom gets robbed or in a car accident because of some bad person you will say “where are the cops?! why didnt they save me!?” LAME!
So you went a bought stuff with money you didn’t have and they asked for it back and you didn’t pay and they deserved to be talked down to? I think you should be talked down to for not managing your money like a little child.
Uh, Im not seeing anything here... so he was nice to her, said she had a nice smile and then says she does a good job. And.... ?? So it is now creepy and horrible for someone to be nice? Get a life!
Hmm article on classified information and it doesn’t mention “Hilary” or “Clinton”, which would be great for an example of this.
par·sec noun
par·sec noun
Ok, lets do this for most Jezebel posts and we find all thats left is curse words, interesting, just like a spoiled brat.
Ok so your child is at the airport and just wants to get home after 30+ hours of travel and cant because taxis wont run... And so Uber gets them home and at a reduced rate and they are the enemy?, give me a break. How about the refugees that need to get home and care for family members or go to a job and cant because…