JonBenet Ramsey's Hymen

Biologists and horticulturists should only ever be consultants. They have no aesthetic or they have that same antiquated nostalgia that you see in the projects from the CCC days. That’s the last thing a global metropolis needs. We need to look forward.

The same thing can be said about fashion in general. Go for what flatters your shape, not what is trendy.

Oil. There is a huge oilfield discovered under that area. China wants it and China is going to do whatever it takes to get it.

Exactly. It is the written equivalent of throwing a smoke bomb into room during a tense meeting,turning off the lights and locking the door behind you as you run away.

She doesn’t divide two opposing arguments into their parts, or cacophony into two opposing arguments. She simply presents all 17 snips of pertinent information and hot take hypotheses alike in no particular order. She knows what she’s doing; you have to have a very sharp understanding of the point to meander around it

That’s the problem with those word virus type terms. They’re essentially designed to be a foil for debate or a discussion, whereas words generally are meant to promote those things.

I think I may have been pinned as an evo-psych bro. Which is funny because I get called a feminazi by the evo psych bros.

Why do people keep repeating the line “that’s not how evolution works!” as if that will make it true?

For one thing, yes, I have been hit on by a man (many men, in fact) where there was absolutely no chance in hell of me responding positively. Why did they do it? Entitlement, I’d wager. Perhaps wanting to put me “in my place”.

I’m going to play devil’s advocate and flip that around a bit; their incredible optimism and confidence is a strategy that’s effective if you look at it as a numbers game. From the perspective of evolutionary biology maybe it’s simply more efficient for men to just keep trying at every opportunity until you wear

But Ashlee the Second just sounds dumb.

This is what happens when everyone is naming their pets Henry and Steve and Charlotte. There are no human names left.

Jagger? But I just met her!

She named one of her kids “Chutney”, so....

Bronx Mowgli? From the Concrete Jungle Book?

My ex-husband named his son Jagger. I once broke up with him in high school for not taking me to a Rolling Stones concert. I feel like there may be some underlying thing going on there.

It’s like Comic Sans got drunk on chardonnay and started wearing a cheap pink feather boa.

Oh to be in the room when they told Diana the baby’s name

I think he’s become the litmus test for the too straightforward question, ‘Are you stupid?’ And/or ‘Have you lost your damn mind?’

When I do, they will bury me right next to your sense of humor