
Maybe she’ll talk about paying student athletes when she writes an article about it.

“I think people like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning are heroes,” she said. What a breath of fresh air!!

You heard it here folks. Splinter is caping for the people who actively published Russian compromat aimed at interfering with our elections. 

“I think people like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning are heroes,” she said. What a breath of fresh air!!

Domingo’s shitty behind the scenes behavior has been one of the big open secrets of the opera world for at least the last 3 decades. There are people who are clutching their pearls so hard that they’re practically punching themselves in the face, but most of the people who are actually in the business have seen this

You can find it at “the roller coaster Shambhala in a Barcelona theme park”.  Hope that clears things up for you

Can’t, I’m at work.

“Mine!” -Kempf

*murdered by Portland Timbers fans* 

I’m gonna get exposed to a flyover tonight and be asked to stand for the National Anthem even though I’m just there to watch a football game.

What a wonderful, quirky, feel-good story. Now, how do I block any follow-up story where it turns out he’s a racist or something?

Jesus, just write down the rules to this game already

Sucks dude. I’m on salary for 35 hours a week and that’s it. Early and late can go to hell.

More than one person familiar with him described — or agreed with the description of — Snyder as someone who behaves the way a little kid imagines a rich person acts.

Sure, but even by that standard, the Skins have fallen from either the most or second-most valuable franchise in the NFL to, by the Post article’s reckoning, fifth place. Unless there’s some particular reason that fall (relative to the rest of the league) was inevitable, that would seem not to recommend Snyder’s

But I don’t see how turning the fan base helps the Cowboys win the Super Bowl.

It’s an appeal to the fan base. He’s trying to stoke negative sentiment toward Elliot. The average idiot sports fan doesn’t care enough to understand the intricacies of guaranteed contracts and rookie salaries, etc. Jerry’s line of thinking allows him to look like the epitome of reason: “I just want everyone to follow

and with the other, Robert Kraft.

Why do you call racists “white nationalists”? It seems much simpler and more direct to just call them racists. A white nationalist is a racist.

something funny about an actual Nazi also being a grammar nazi

Can’t believe he openly talks about playing for the Buccaneers...