
Exactly. I mentioned it elsewhere, but it’s like having a vivid dream of being in the game. 

People’s concerns that Midgar isn’t enough are bizarre to me. Midgar is the only interesting location in what turns out later to be a completely incoherent world. Frankly, Episode 1 is the only one I’m really interested in, because it represents the entirety of content that I personally consider worthwhile in FF7.

I’m actually surprised how many people I’ve seen who have either no memory or reverence for FF7 and are super excited for this game. 

This also will help establish Shinra as even more of a soulless evil organization earlier - which is actually necessary context if Reeve is to play a larger part in the remake. But even when you think about it, the Guard Scorpion pretty much trashed the place anyway. What’s it to Shinra to just cut their losses right!

I really love the smart design decisions in this remake. The battle system feels like the polished best version of previous Action RPGs with a “build the meter” mechanic many who play fighting games will find familiar. There is a rewarding challenge and payoff to moving previously unbalanced spells and overpowered

I just don’t get it. Midgar is the most iconic part of the game short of one image of Sephy in flames, and so much of the giant metropolis was absent in FFVII.

I think FF7 was a graphically impressive shallow game. FF7R is exactly that.

Im 50 and never played this, I pretty much started with FF13 trilogy then 15 and been playing 14. I was mainly PC from 1994 - 2013 when I switched to comfy chair console only..  So this will be new to me....

FF7:R feels like an interpretation of how someone who was young when it came out remembers the original game. Through rose colored glasses shrouded in the fog of days gone by, they recall crazy sword fights and a man with gun for an arm yelling out obscenities while blasting his way out of trouble and a flower girl

definitely felt like how i imagined ff7 in my head as a 6th grade kid. i’m so on board the hype train, i am just full out fanboying for this, and that’s ok.

It was spoiled for me, so I can’t comment on its impact. I’m with you on the FFVI thing, though. 

So that guy dedicated a year of his life forming a fake friendship in order to get back at the guy who . . . spoiled a movie?

The Wiki entry for Niantic, Inc. talks about a “small wearable device developed by Nintendo, which uses a Bluetooth low energy connection to notify uses when a Pokemon is nearby with an LED and vibration”. Where is this device?

Starred for good advice.

When you finally get to the fighting, keep that Jynx handy, any of the birds that will likely be guarding the gyms this early on are going to take extra damage from the Ice attacks Jynx has.

Pokemon Go the game is rather fun.

Wife and I were wandering around the neighborhood tracking a Ghastly. Guy stops in his car, rolls down the window, and yells "Gotta catch 'em all!"

I’ve never played Pokemon in my life, I know what Pikachu is from the cartoon my little cousins used to watch.

When the best games are Android exclusives or Android firsts I’ll start caring about Android gaming.

“Miitomo for iPhone”, you mean iphone and android? careful, your bias is showing.