That’s not remotely why the Dreamcast failed.
That’s not remotely why the Dreamcast failed.
You can play PSO still
That’s not the lone reason why the system died. Sure, it hurt game sales and would give publishers pause, but it didn’t lead to lower hardware sales. That was anticipation for the PS2.
That wasn’t great for them, but those games still needed hardware to run on and they fell 2 million Dreamcasts short of the 5 million they needed to sell by the end of 2000. If anything that probably moved more hardware, but would also scare away 3rd party development.
False narrative. System died because of tons of bad decisions by Sega since their small the Genesis days, including infighting among their own company. That along with not getting a good footing before the impending doom of PS2 came about, which skyrocketed past the sales Sega attempted prior. They had been in red too…
this is also a very good list
the best dreamcast games that didn’t get a superior port on another system are:
There is nothing to respect about suicide. It is a sad thing that should be avoided at all costs. No matter how bad one’s life is, it always has the opportunity to get better. I don’t know anything about you or your life, but I can tell you that you are better alive than dead.
The styluses (stylii?) allocated for North America have been requisitioned as wands for magikoopas in order to further President Bowser’s glorious war on the Mushroom Kingdom.
I’ll admit it: the first time I heard “One Winged Angel”, I didn’t think of Sephiroth from FF7 but Lind from Ah! My Goddess.
Most of Konami’s NES games hold up incredibly well. Say what you will about the Konami of today, you certainly can’t argue that they made some killer games back in the 8 and 16bit eras.
every 16 bit system has it gem games, shumps was the staple diet for pc engine/tg16, the fact some of the games such as soldier blade, pc denjin/air zonk, castlevania rondo of blood, magic chase and pc genjin2/bonk revenge could easily rival snes and genesis equilavent
And they didn’t called it “The Switcher 3"?
Way to miss an opportunity, there.
I suppose you could have edited your post to switch it out for some other game, such as one of the DK games, though Mario Bros. probably has the strongest connection to the Smash Bros. games.
Take your goddamn star you magnificent sob!
Does this mean Super Smash Bros. Melee is officially an old game?
This is EXACTLY what I thought of right away. Went to check the comments before digging through google for a screenshot. Makes me wish the pet cat was also a character like in Legacy.
I would be fucking shocked if that isn’t their main influence for this. Hell, the reason why I clicked on this article was I thought that someone was making a new Legacy of the Wizard. Which itself is a sequel or something?