Jonathon Hero

Of course you can. However in a country with compulsory military service, just thinking war is terrible is not enough to get out of said service.

They make consoles and video games, which are after a consumer’s finite wallet, shelf space, and eyeballs, like all the other consoles. “Nintendo is different/its consoles aren’t really consoles” is just special pleading that came about after MS and Sony put up their hands after the Wii printed all the money. If we

Eh, Sony can still be the king. After all, what is a king to a god?

They compete with every console, it’s just after the Wii the other guys decided to pretend they didn’t.

- guy from 1998

A diversity of takes is always good, but I’m not sure about the reviewer’s specific reason for scoring the game so harshly; in this case, it’s fair to say it boils down to it not being similar enough to much older entries.

but it would be easier to just ignore the leaks.

What a ridiculously entitled outlook you have

It does fucking matter. We’re having unnecessary bullshit shoved down our throats, and you’re yelling at people for pointing out - with examples - that it’s still unnecessary bullshit just because you’ve stopped giving a fuck.
Piss off with that condescending, defeatist crap - it’s borderline shilling for practices

Less that people are still surprised, more that it’s still bullshit.

Now playing

Reminds me of The Good Place, where even trying your best to be a good human being isn’t good enough because every simple thing you do is a chain of consequences.

Honestly the truth is I originally typed “Hero of Rails” and then said “that can’t be right” and assumed it must be “Hero of Spirits” and then discovered it’s “Hero of Nothing; tough luck, kid.”

You’re right, but it’s also really high horsed of people to point and shame and gasp at people over this one in particular. Not any of her other monetary vehicles or the millions of other things we don’t focus on. Last year that dipshit CEO said he’d uncancel Rowling and there was no grand call to boycott HBO Max like

If you “distanced” yourself from every company that was actively bringing harm into the world you’d either be starving in a ditch or you’d have to make your own farm and live totally off the grid.

You know she’ll continue to get residuals from those first HP movies? And the books? She’s way past having make a choice between living in opulence or funding her bigotry.

That wasn’t my point, at all. My point is people will embrace these people, and allow them among their circle regardless of their bigotry.

Don’t you smear Hank and Dean by associating them with capitalist vultures.

Out of all the annoying things on social media prank videos are absolutely among the most annoying. Most of the time they’re just meanspirited and that kind of kills my ability to laugh at them. Instead it just makes me wish horrible things on the prankster.

Well their audience is 99% of the time kids and teens. And generally speaking, an audience like that isn’t necesiarly primed for understanding the nuance of malice as it relates to entertainment. Especially if it’s in a format that is disconnected from their own reality.

Which is why thewhite guy goes into black

Between none of the reporting describing the “prank” and a cursory view of their channel, in addition to their statement that they’ll continue “pranking”, I’m more than inclined to believe that there was no actual “prank” and it was likely just straight up harassment at the minimum.