Jonathon Hero

Has the finals been expanded to best of 13 without me knowing?

Trump and all of his supporters should be shipped off to some shithole. Not a country, but an actual hole filled with shit.

It’s Trumpmerica now - we never know who’s actually kidding and who’s serious about their stupidity.

Maybe Puerto Rico’s president can help take care of their problem. It’s not America’s job to care for every impoverished nation on earth.

But just imagine how lives were saved by the 3 rolls of paper towels that Trump threw into the crowd on his 1 visit there since the hurricane.

To anyone who does this, who thinks it’s cool to land and immediately start a pickaxe fight with me, I’d just like to say I hate you. I really don’t like you… I cannot sanction your buffoonery.

until they can find a way to beat the fox news/am radio apparatus, none of this will matter.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

These words have always been true, but in an era where feelings have replaced objective, verifiable fact as the primary motivator for action in a significant portion of our population (and wherein literacy is often openly attacked), it rings out like the

If nothing else, I think you’re proof positive that we’re fucking doomed

They got tired of having atheists parrot it back to them when they acted distinctly unjesus-like. There’s cognitive dissonance and then there’s being laughed at to your face.

Is it just me or has ‘WWJD’ really dropped off the map.

Leading the opposition to Trump and his policies is the last thing Obama should be doing.

Ah, the city of love. And the pyramids. And the Taj Mahal.

Now playing

I see your Mulan and raise you an Orgazmo.

I love the way every time one of these shootings happens, we fixate on shit about the shooter to blame it on, when the only thing these shooters really have in common is GUNS.

“Iron Cross for bravery,” like the Nazi who gets beat to death in Inglorious Bastards says? Who the fuck watches a Nazi getting beat to death and decides “that’s who I wanna be?”

Roger Ailes has remained strangely silent on the changes.

For the love of god visit a Popeyes