You seem like you’re going through some economic anxiety.
You seem like you’re going through some economic anxiety.
I ordered last month and I never got a release date email about Bayo from them. They finally shipped it Thursday night and said it would be here Saturday. It was overnighted and I actually got it yesterday on release day.
Mmmm.... bum.
LOL, right??? Amazon is great for their 20% discount on Prime preorders, but over half of the time my game either ships late or gets delayed in transit, so I’m always getting new releases 1-3 days late. Normally not that big of a deal, but Nintendo games release on Fridays, so I miss out on weekend play time :(
I feel there is a certain irony in your ad hominem rhetoric and weird strawmen given your obvious dislike of Trump. I’d agree not every game needs a switch port, and it has some technical short comings that make it largely unfit to port some of the more recent triple A titles. I am unsure why you feel the need to spew…
So would the VP.
I have always found it deeply weird that two of the top guys in this administration were a guy who looks just like Race Bannon and a guy named Bannon who peddles grievances over race.
Half of eligible US voters don’t even vote. Half know the starting team of the football/basketball team of the state NCAA champs to which neither they or their kids ever attended, but cannot name the last ten presidents.
Of course they told him not to. All Mueller would have to say is “You know, I bet you don’t know how to collude with Russia.” Trump would respond “Oh yeah, uh... ‘Bad uh... Breath’ Bob?” and spill everything. That seems to be all it takes with him.
That’s true of every state larger in size than Vermont. Georgia and Tennessee would be easily blue if they were just Atlanta, Nashville, Memphis and their suburbs. New York or Oregon would be dark red if you chopped off NYC, LI, Westchester or Portland.
Did Bettis get three yards on that carry? Which I believe is one more than his career average.
Man, if only the second paragraph of this post were about that exact thing.
WWF No Mercy just put you through a table.
The rabid dishonesty of the Republicans lately is shameful even by their standards. None of this is a real scandal. This is Infowars style conspiracy mongering from the relative mainstream of the GOP. This isn’t one of the idiots (including the dishonorable Andy Harris, my own rep) visiting neo-fascists in Europe…
oh fuck off.
What an ignorant comment.
Respect for government? Man do I miss those days...
So you’re dumb as well as racist. Good combo, Cletus.
crazy how a simple discussion on math kicks up so much economic anxiety