Jonathon Hero

In Stephen King’s The Dead Zone, Johnny Smith is in a coma for five years. Imagine, if you will, going into a coma sometime during 2012 or so, maybe even around the time everybody thought the world was going to end because of the Mayan calendar — and waking up now. You’d be all excited the world didn’t end, but only

Knocked out in MMA. Boxing is a very different animal and he’s going against one of the best ever (even if he’s old and a piece of shit who can’t read). No one Connor has ever faced is even as good at boxing as Mayweather’s sparring partners. He has no shot in the ring. Plus it’s a 12 round fight. Connor is going to

Non-GMO people make my skin crawl. Almost as much as anti-vaxxers.

If we’re going to treat the first incomplete study of something as gospel, we should give Andrew Wakefield the Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering that vaccines cause autism.

Right, because doing one’s fucking research based on more than one study is absolutely, positively un-American.

There’s really nothing remarkable here. Lots of athletes take time out of their schedule to visit retarded children.

For quoting MLK a lot in their anguished letters, I think some of those Seattle parents forgot this passage from the Birmingham County Jail letter-- replace moderate with liberal, because that’s just the shifting goalposts since the Reagan Years:

I will never cease to be impressed by the amount of racist white people who truly seem to believe that Martin Luthor King Jr., were he still alive, would be on their side.

Folks: If the sentiment “Black Lives Matter” gives you pause -if you think for some reason that those three words, in that order, are problematic -then you don’t get to call yourself a liberal anymore. I don’t care where you stand on any other issue, you need to go sit with the Trumpicans and KKK members (but I repeat

An Italian plumber wearing Mexican outfit who speaks English and obsessed with gold coins and is a certified doctor who lives in a fungus kingdom and battles giant turtle/dragon thing but occasionally have friendly board games and off road kart racing with but also brought their battles to the stars and had one point

I heard Barron Trump calls Robert Mueller “Papa Bob.” People are saying this.

I for one will be disappointed if Golden State chooses not to go to Washington. Opportunities like this come along once in a lifetime, if that. I think the Warriors, provided they receive an invitation, had better think long and hard about how to respond. It is a personal meeting with the Goddamn President of the

If those guys love the President so much, maybe they should marry him and then divorce him when he abuses them and cheats on them with an Eastern European prostitute.

I find this totally disrespectful and dishonoring of the position of the president.

I too, have Asperger’s as well as other spectrums of autism. As someone like you, I can see that you’re using this opportunity to complain about the use of a word while not actually addressing its use, and instead bragging about your own “knowledge” on your unrelated condition. Please stop making the rest of us look

No. Because they never would have beaten the 97' Bulls which featured, IRC, Michael Jordan, Dennis Rodman, Magic Johnson, Toni Iommi, Luke Walton, Dickie Simpkins and Scotty 2 Hottie and were coached by Phil Niekro.

Things I will never, ever click on, no matter who tweets them:

It’s Metallica 24:19

it’s in the book of metallica

stupid argument is fucking stupid.