I’d probably go buy a toy car of the same model and see what I could come up with.
I’d probably go buy a toy car of the same model and see what I could come up with.
Here’s a scenario. Imagine it’s your first week starting a new job. That job is to shoot and produce video. Now imagine that the editors and writers have given you this great idea for a video shoot and the Fiat is going to be the picture car we use in said imagination video.
Now imagine getting a phone call 1 day…
Later, at a bar:
can you give me a ride home
Once again, Marc Márquez dominated the Circuit of The Americas, proving that he is your God and scoring a fifth…
uhhhh no, it was because Hillary’s political machine stacked the deck........but yea, keep blaming the fact that Hillary couldnt beat fucking trump on “bernie bros”.....definitely had zero to do with the fact that your candidate sucked, and was flawed.
Given all the hunger and suffering in today’s world, this is nothing short of terroirism.
Of all the modifications one can make to a vehicle, an engine swap is the most interesting because it is the most…
What I honestly cannot wrap my head around are the white voters who flipped from voting for Pres. Obama to voting for Trump. That takes cognitive dissonance to a whole new level.
“Nice” riding gear for an FX-10 - including helmet ;)
These people ragging on you for not being AGATT need to sell their bikes and buy a fucking car mate. And I say that as someone who is a physician with orthopedics experience, as well as someone who painstakingly studies accident statistics, and generally rides quite safely with a decent amount of gear on.
Great review! The throttle issues seem to be a common topic on the newer Yamahas. They have a fix for the FZ-09 series already, and I imagine one for the FZ-10 will be coming in the near future. This is from Ivan’s Performance, btw. No affiliation; just posting this so people are aware of it.
We’ll run with that. :)
Considering the throttle issues Yamaha had with both the FZ-09 and FZ-07, I would’ve thought that the engineers would’ve paid more attention to this with the FZ-10. Kinda disappointing that they didn’t, and it’s probably something that won’t be fixed without a ECU reflash.
Very interesting article. How do you think it would rate set up as an FJ-10, like an Asian BMW S1000XR? Seems to me that’s where the money is. I know many (including myself) couldn’t give a hoot about the FZ-09, but when the FJ-09 came out we were suddenly interested..now HERE’s something I could ride everyday and…
Okay, you’ve defended yourself enough to readers who obviously haven’t read every comment. You are hereby forgiven. Took a chance, lived to write about it. Good stuff, Jonathan, er, JonathOn.
Yeah, I owned a Speed Triple. Made me want to sue Triumph for using the word “speed” when the bike is a slow turd. And I don’t mean compared to Tuono, 1290R and S1000R. I mean even compared to the Street Triple. And it gets uglier, more UJM each year.
“No, really, he does have a girlfriend. She lives in Canada. Show them the pic.”
Riding motorcycles may be the only sensible way to get around Los Angeles. It’s either ride or go insane, as I would…