Jonathon Klein

From Jeep,

Me too!

My wife will be glad to hear that.

HAVE YOU SEEN MY BOXER 4, I know it says Scion, but it's really a Toyota with a Subaru drivetrain! What you don't want to see me naked anymore? But it has sport seats and it's a manual!

So find a girl that likes horsepower and TopGear as much as you do! They are out there people! Quit complaining and go out and look!

We'll have to see where this plan leaves less muscle-y cars like the Dart, although I'm still hoping for an SRT version of that.

Doesn't it take 27 separate computers to keep it flying because they made it inherently unstable to be better at dog fights?

Don't fix the headlights, just run ram air scoops through them!

I would too. I've been campaigning for one for awhile now.

So hoon things, drink beers, be shouty, and be awesome? So V8 supercars?

What about a BRM Type 15 engine? Imagine that screaming down the highway!

I was thinking Aston V8? I've had my fill of W motors. I like them when they work, when they don't, they could eat shit and die.


Turbo, I need a turbo

Hummer HX, I would have bought one.

Love my FRS, but I topped it out at 132mph this weekend, it needs POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

The Camaro is pretty bad too, I've got an article coming up on it soon. I had to put the seat on the floor and pretend like I was ridin dirty! I don't feel like a giant, I guess I am though.

Maybe I should try it again.

I sat in a bunch of them at the auto show and it just wouldn't let me fit in it no matter how I set up the seats. I'm 6'4"

The twins are actually selling really well here in the states, it's everywhere else that's not buying them. Also that Abarth is ridiculous, I wanted it so badly, but I couldn't fit in it. Why can't people just make fun small cars for big people?