Jonathan Phillip Fox

Could, except it’s an, silly.

I’ve got one!

Especially if you had, say,“independent contractors” doing all of the worl, providing their own safety equipment, personally liable for incorrect disposal, employing themselves via app. Sounds pretty distuptive to me.

Still, sounds more rewarding than a lot of alternatives

St Louis City here, howdy neighbor!

I get what you’re saying, but that logic also justifies moving to New York to make it on Broadway.

That’s funny, my new start up is just like IMDB except it definitely has the actors ages.

North Korea is going to be a Samsung factory in 20 years and...we’re living in the black and white days.

The Peacock diner in St. Louis is basically modeled after that diner in Back to The Future II. Not complaining.

When she encourages the Trumpenfuhrer to purge bipartisan

I know New York isn’t all like this/that, and the fun to effort/safety ratio can be huge compared to here. It’s also an overwhelmingly positive place compared to what I’m used to (though the rule breaking freedom here murder city saint louis is unimaginably gigantic). I used to visit pretty frequently, now maybe once


It’s because he is a human skin full of locusts, but that was an incredible breakdown of why such a thing is so uncanny.