Jonathan Parent

What are those tubes? They are symmetrical, right down the long axis...

Fighter escorts.

Discussed at length in Tom Clancy novels... Debt of Honor, at the end when the Capital is hit by a plane, the Secret Service talks about bringing the new president to "KNEECAP" (aka this plane).

"Don't touch my uncle! He is the genius of my family. He used to make the tip of the bomb, you know? That finds New York or Washington?"

I have suffered vertigo several times and have been hospitalized twice because of severe nausea accompanying it. After 15 years, I have finally found two medications and steps to take to negate the effects early on. Even still, a moderate attack will leave me incapacitated for at least 2 days and feeling residual

Is it the "dirty" air, the carbon monoxide, or the hot gas that kills you first?

This was explored in the novel Rainbow Six. At the end, Tim Noonan uses a portable heartbeat detector to find the location of the bad guys.

"Founder" of his lost iPhone???


As long as I got my solid gold iPhone, my rocket car, and my millions of dollars, I'm happy.

This is eerie. I have the same Greenworks mower and noticed a crack in the handle this afternoon. Great mower.

What a long voyage when they are only going to stay for "two weeks."

The credit scoring system is incredibly non-transparent, ripe with misinformation. It really needs some standardization across all three major bureaus, along with a consumer's bill of rights.


Correction - "North Carolina got hacked out of 3.6 MILLION SSNs."

Keep in mind that public speaking is typically feared worth than death. Embrace the moment, put on an "act" (i.e. exude confidence even in the face of none), and fake it until you make it.

Figure out the ending. At some point, you need to bring your speech together and stop freaking talking. Most of the time people forget this crucial step, decide to wing it, and ramble on way longer than they should have.

Don't forget the paint color soylent green.

Just thinking that. And the acronyms. You need a cheat sheet for the presentation.