Jonathan Michaels

No, it was a smash hit, $176m domestic, $359m worldwide on a $40m budget.

Have we learned nothing from The Change-Up?

The burgers are just a thing to get out of the way so you can enjoy the bottomless fries and the bottomless root beer floats.

I tried them once, there’s too much salt on them and apparently you can’t get them without the salt.

Sisley from Siskel and Elbert used to do that all the time, bash a movie and talk about how HE would have done it, which always seemed odd, especially since Elbert was the one who had written a movie before.

I’m reminded of how I thought Stephen Merchant was the one who put the sentimentality into The Office and Extras, then Gervais’s solo stuff was so much schmaltzier.

I get a perpetual 30% off when placing a mobile order, so even if I’m going inside to eat, I’m ordering through mobile to get the discount,

It’s definitely a formality because Richard Pryor has a writing credit too.

You know who still gets trucks of Disney money?

Violent Night already reminded everyone about fun.

I will always stump for that first live action movie, there’s a lot of good stuff in there, and making Scrappy the villain was genius.

Apparently, the rights for both Sleuth and The Heartbreak Kid are owned by, of all things, Bristol-Myers Squibb.


Are you implying It’s not a comedy?

I really hope it does get nominated because the performance of that song would really be fun to see on the Oscars, seeing as it’s basically a song about telling people to go fuck themselves.

They really need to get cracking on that next Jumanji movies, those last two were much bigger hits than people realize.

Your periodic reminder that Vin Diesel got fired off of Reindeer Games in the late 90’s because he refused to take his shirt off because, and I quote, “I only show my guns in Vin Diesel pictures.”

It is literally the highest rated show on television.

Thanks for not putting Violent Night on the list, way too many people calling it a horror movie.

I don’t even get why the joke was anything to get upset about?