Jonathan Butler

damn i hope she is ok, but REALLY, unless you have a Vulcan death grip on the fence your going to fly.

seriously, you like Nokia's vision of the future BETTER!!! The future where you have to put on 4 pieces of costume tech jewelry that only lets you reply with a SMILEY FACE!!!.

EXACTLY, they aren't ugly, bluetooths are ugly, hell... the first 3 iphones were ugly, but these are wearable.

don't worry, Apple's brain has sadly passed, if you haven't noticed, as soon as the brain passed Giz started showing some discontent for the brand. I don't think there is much difference in the tech companies anymore, everyone's phone does the same thing, just under a different name.

they weren't ugly to me.

oh yeah, bring it on

good job, that crap is too expensive

yeah, this didn'help a damn thing. i'm back to where i started before the video, but now with a cat.

haha, most iphone users secretly wish their screen size could get bumped up to 4. Come on Sam, you want at least 4 as well. There's a reason the 4 inch rumor always makes its way into the rumor mill every year about the Iphone, because you all want it bigger.

I just can't convince myself to pay for the commercials, my netflix is just fine, i'm a very patient man.

"but the fact remains that an iPhone 3GS owner—a phone that came out in 2009—can upgrade to 2012's latest without any trouble at all."———IN WHAT WORLD? That sir is how you turn water into a thick slow slurry.

With Illinois being one of the most corrupt states, do expect to hear about a scandal soon.

and I'll drink to that.

and this article was just as simple as the explanation will be in your local best buy when your father goes to buy one. Get ready for a major headache from something anything but simple. The numbers helped saying NEW doesn't a lot of sellers will take advantage of buyers with this wording.

now hopefully they can get Whitney's

yes, but i am still waiting on the dorito taco, they will get some of my coins on that day.

here here. i do agree

well lets just be honest, smart tv's aren't really smart yet, they are kind of a few grades behind, but being applauded for their potential abilities.

here's how i feel about vaccines, and i'm not going to push the agenda, I feel the same way about vaccines as science feels about processed foods. Some say it causes autism and some say it doesn't, but i say in enough time it may do something to the body that unnatural and potentially unhealthy the same way processed

ok, this is for the fat ass in us all, yes i will have 2 or 3 of these cheap mex-american fare tacos from taco bell as soon as they hit, but only to show my American spirit. I did it for KFC when they had the double down and i shall do it now for the Bell. VIVA AMERICA!!!