Jonathan Butler

because no one else offers the dorito shell.

The problem with Microsoft is no one knows about their products and what it's for.



happy born day

i doubt this will be that popular simply because of the shipping cost, now if they can somehow wrap this into the Prime bundle then maybe they will be on to something, but i see even the price of Prime going up for same day delivery.

this is crazy, ICS is only 3 phones and a handful of tablets and the next Android version is already here.

'The wider a person's face for a given height, the more likely they are to behave anti-socially.' so thats why fat people tend to be anti social, i thought it was because we judge them

spider galore; if its one thing I've taken away from being on boats especially made of wood it's that spiders love being there. Arachnophobia overload.

comcast still sucks

they don't come in my size. 15

wait, i think i missed he funny.

it was just a ruse to throw off our government, the real rocket flies high.

this article reflects the laziness of current journalism. How about details as to what quantum computers is and what it's used for.

too bad it took over 20 years for this Springfield to finally get the proper recognition. They look like they needed the attention, but theirs always tomorrow right?

thanks, i'll try GIMP, i've heard it mentioned before.



now all i need is photoshop