Jonathan Holland Becnel

Hey look how funny and normal Silicon Valley is!! They are like so totally cool and hip censoring and selling our information. The liberal hypocrisy is too real.

Hahaha! Look how funny and normal he is! You could almost forget him secretly funding Trump support and far right efforts online! Because, he likes video games!

I remember campaigning for Obama in 2008. I was selected to give a speech to introduce him at a rally, after which, he thanked me by name on television. After his rally, I met him backstage and had photos taken.

There is an official beer of the NFL and every NFL team. Fuck this guy.

I second this.

“or sink so low it’ll be considered a submarine movie.”

There was nothing about the last one that made me want to see another one. But I will watch anything that David Fincher makes.

The character could have been there. Mr. Glass’ idea of a human that is completely weak structurally that can have the balance of a superhuman lives in The horde all in one. This was a man who was broken and within his own mind broke the human barrier to become more. These were two people that were born this way and

I also enjoy the idea that one can “debate” with an Ann Coulter or a Richard Spencer.

Options kind of leave Malcolm in the middle.

I admire Cameron for not caring about the zeitgeist. The cynical movie would have already cranked out 2 or 3 sequels by now, but Cameron does what he does because he cares. I might think Avatar was a little corny, but he’s got a vision.

what do you mean? Life of Pi was a good movie.

Pre-filled vape cartridges, attached to a battery. Literally just flew yesterday and never gave it a second thought. Neither did any TSA agent.

Man that is just like my engagement story. I was putting away some groceries while my husband was doing the dishes and he said “Let’s get married” and I said “Sure”.

And I happen to find his movies entertaining. His adaption of Watchmen is one of my favorite comic movies because it had complete respect for the source material. And it showed he knows how to use colors.

He was Krypton’s greatest scientist. I'm sure he could give someone a quick crash course on things. I'm just glad we had more of Russell Crowe.

Right? They have a Terraforming (Kryptonforming, if you wanna get technical) machine. Why not just go borrow Mars or Venus? Then they’ve got a whole planet to use as a base of operations and another full of helpless Earthlings to enslave as they see fit. That’s how I’d have run it, if I were Zod.