Jonathan Holland Becnel

This whole time we assumed IF there was one personality ESPN needed more than the other way around it was Bill Simmons. Turns out it’s actually Skip Bayless.

It’s not surprising that they’ve struggled to find a replacement for this guy

Every time I watch a Panthers game and Cam gets whacked in the head and everybody gets upset, I remind them that the League will apologize the next day and everyone usually says “yeah, I guess 15 yard penalties, ejections, and the safety of our favorite player isn’t that big of a deal as long as they say sorry

This isn’t ‘Nam. There are rules

This is why NFL ratings are in the trash. Because shit officiating is literally changing the outcome of games, so what’s the point of watching if you know bad calls will screw your team over and the best you can hope for is an “ooops we screwed up,” the next day?

If Carpenter wouldn’t have been flopping acting like Sherman broke his leg, the trainers wouldnt have came out. Amazing how once he realized he wasn’t getting the flag, he was fine and ready to go.

“We’ve investigated ourselves and found that we did, in fact, screw up. We apologize to all of the fans, the Buffalo Bills organization... HAHAHA J/K GO FUCK YOURSELVES.”

Another thing you can add: Blandino said on NFL Network that the officials screwed up by not resetting the play clock after the penalty, which caused the delay of game.

All worthless officiating mea culpas, whatever the sport, should be read at a press conference by Hedonism Bot, just to show you how few underlying fucks the offending league gives.

Pete Carroll also thinks the people that jumped out of the burning towers “hammed it up” on the way down.

“That obvious thing you saw happening live...yeah, it happened”

I stole my parents’ cable company info and just access everything I want through their online account.

Absolutely true, and it’s been irritating me to no end. I also voted for Hillary, and like Chappelle, I also don’t feel good about it. Part of the reason why is that her propaganda machine has the people who should be on my side, acting like irrational Tea Party nutters with

I believe that qualifies as a mega mic drop.

It’s pretty damn rich to complain on behalf of the US about foreign intervention in an election. If the US didn’t, at the very least, try to influence someone else’s election, it would be a shock.

I will try to reply honestly and to the best of my ability despite knowing full well that you probably won’t read all of it, and I’ll get a reply something along the lines of ‘nuhuh, you’re stupid’ or ‘you hate her because you’re a sexist.’ 

If you don’t think that dysfunction within the DNC and the corruption that the email leaks have exposed within Clinton’s inner circle are problems, you’re not paying attention.

So Bill made no profit’s from Bill, Inc.?

I used to equivocate like that before I realized that Pence probably got the same deal that the Trumps were offering Kasich: IE, total control over policy.

I already voted for Clinton over a week ago. For the first time in the nearly 20 years I’ve been voting, I felt bad leaving a polling place, but I voted for her anyway. I never told anyone to vote for Trump, or said Trump was a good alternative to Clinton. I never even mentioned Trump which is what makes your claim of