
old chap? man are you stale. FYI, there is no confirmation of any self doubt here, but your words are proof positive of your low IQ.

You are living proof of Einstein's theory that stupidity is infinite.

That would be "complement," not "compliment." Take some time off from this website and learn the language. Your own paltry store of insults could use some updating as well as some imagination, which you obviously lack — "what's wrong with this picture" is not exactly a new coinage. You've been schooled, you're just

you have 842 comments on this website. Get a life. Lol.

Sn, you put a lot of though into this, and I appreciate it. You've almost got me convinced on a couple points, but I am still doubtful. It just occurred to me, reading your argument for Stannis, that the model for him and his witch had to have been Macbeth, and in that case we are dealing with an exceptional tragic

Nothing wrong with it. Compared to the ocean of blather written in praise of the show, this is a mere drop. Why shouldn't I spend 8 minutes of my time to write up my dissatisfaction, if so many people feel like spending a helluva lot more time writing every week, following all the comments, etc. Remember the

I wish I could agree with you, because I really wanted to like the show, but I think the writers have opted for cheap hooks instead of really satisfying drama — and the irony is, they could have given us something more thoughtful as well as thrilling, because the material, just like a Jacobean tragedy, has all the

Why all the hyperbolic praise contained this review? The reviewer asks, "If any character can go at any moment, what makes a death at all significant in this world?" I would ask instead, with so many illogical holes in the plot and the heavy handed treatment of all these characters doomed to die, what makes any of