Hemingway's Shotgun

I read that in Lucy's voice- thumbs up

If you look at the casting they did for Independence Day, it's a similarly strange group of non-action actors. Will Smith was still a sitcom star, and Bill Pullman was less likely to show up than Bill Paxton.

A Paloma!

2 weeks after the Super Bowl? This article is as outdated as that commercial!

"Do you know how to fly this thing?"

The version of Kahless that the Exalbians created was based off of Kirk's perceptions (they explicitly mention that re: Lincoln). Hella racist, btw

"Limper than a Fred Durst biscuit"

That doesn't sound like a hot dog. It sounds like sausage.

I wish he would. His performance might actually get a reaction out of me for once.

Aaron Taylor Johnson is so overrated. Glad he didn't get nominated for Nocturnal Animals- I didn't believe his character for one millisecond.

I wonder if studio has anything to do with it- does a Paramount film have to list the actor's last big Paramount film, no matter how shitty?



Still no "Yub Nub" :(


No Game of Thrones until 2018 :(

This is true; in college days I would add some entries or edits and it was funny to watch editors argue about the relative merits. Nerds amirite?!

You can add them; Wikipedia encourages it.

Did no one else get that Ryan Gosling IS Los Angeles?

You can make any coloring book an adult coloring book if you draw enough penises in it.