
Short of full-on ethnic cleansing (which won’t happen) and repeal of the 14th Amendment (which won’t happen either), the demographic trends of the U.S. can only be slowed, not stopped. Eventually, we will all be California: majority-minority and it’s no big deal.

The brothers both have permasmirks. I like Seth Meyers, but that bugs me.

A bowl of Grape Nuts®  with milk must be aged the perfect number of minutes to be enjoyed to the fullest.

If I claim that Annie Hall is about sexual abuse, Woody Allen may not agree, and other members of his fan base may not agree. But am I wrong?

We as fans have no ownership over any aspect of the thing we enjoy.

Senate testimony at this time, in the runup to an election, will be explosive. GOP Senators will no doubt deploy all the ugly character assassination tricks — with the electorate watching. Trump will deride her just as he has his own accusers. The spectacle will impact not only a Supreme Court seat, but also the

But such gaffes are an inescapable consequence of living in this rich, cosmopolitan world. We are all prejudiced by human nature, we are all ignorant of something. So long as you make a sincere followup, giving true consideration to the affronted party, you can only beat up yourself so bad for the initial error.

Directors and executives of large companies live in an isolated bubble, disconnected from the rest of us. By and large, this group does not share the values of the wider society.

Can I be simultaneously glad that Porter’s abuse caused his downfall and is still being reported on, yet OK with Woodward not emphasizing the abuse while using Porter as the source for a book which is damaging to Trump?

There are also a lot of enthusiastic Democrats — the kind of people who vote in primaries who are passionate about voting against Cuomo because of his long record of conspiring with Republicans to thwart Democratic initiatives.

Primaries are hard to poll. I think Nixon will do a lot better than expected.

New product idea: Grapers!

(To be fair I think the Deadspin article *itself*, if not the commentariat, was mostly like your take.)

That’s fair. But it seems to me that there are an equal number of people for whom it is incredibly important that Serena be seen as wronged.

Who orders a bagel at Chick-fil-A?

Serena Williams is the GOAT – better than Federer – because she’s achieved everything she has and lived an awesome life despite having to put up with way more garbage. The opprobrium of this commentariat is more of the same.

Seems like there are a whole lot of people for whom it is incredibly important to ensure that Serena gets put in her place. Can’t have a black woman as an ideal of athletic beauty! Can’t have a black woman speaking up!

What has been most striking to me about this event are the teeming hordes who gleefully applaud the coaching violation as correct and are blind to the problem of selective enforcement.

There seem to be a lot of Deadspin commentators who are all cool with the surprise selective enforcement of the coaching violation rules in the U.S. Open Women’s Final. Remember, Serena’s coach has never been called on that in his life.