
To all of you who think that selectively-enforced coaching violation was just:

So the ump calls a coaching violation which basically never happens. Understandably upset by selective enforcement of the rules, Serena rightfully complains. And the umpire, rather than take a step back, quadruples down on his mistake and issues a match-killing game penalty.

Yeah, good on Culkin for refusing to traffic in dumb stereotypes. That show pigeonholes, limits and demeans all of its “nerd” characters.

I can’t help but see celibacy as a significant contributing factor for all the Catholic church’s sex abuse scandals.

I want one of two things to happen: either Brazil loses the World Cup final because Neymar gets a yellow card for diving (justice!), or Brazil wins the World Cup final on a penalty kick that Neymar gets by diving (shaming FIFA for their inaction).

On the other end of the pitch, Thiago Silva’s foot seemed to be in the way of every Mexico shot today.

As someone aspires to be the best ally I can be, Terry Crews is incredibly eloquent and inspiring. His final answer about young black men and violence... so poignant, so unyielding!

I wanted so bad for Iran to win, but I did not enjoy rooting against Portugal because they’re so dishonorable. They spent so much time rolling around on the ground putting on a big show for the refs. It was miserable to watch.

Who’s got the high score?

I suspended what was effectively a scarecrow from the ceiling of a friend’s dorm room.

“...because those chorus boys’ll come out and give him a new kind of...”

i know you are but what am i

If "nobody likes" the "little lackey" Brian Schatz, how come he just beat Hanabusa?

The terminal velocity of a squirrel in earth's atmosphere is slow enough that they can survive falls from any height.

Neymar is where your team was trying to send James Rodriguez, little girl.

To be honest, I feel like I could have made the same mistake as Doug. I'm glad to have my perspective challenged — that's one reason I come to this site, though I also just like it here — but I'm blown back by the severity of the collective response.

Me? I'm a cuddlefish among other things.

I love you VJDAYhooray and I'll stay with you forever.

It's not like women are the only ones using duplicitous mating strategies, though.