Jonah Falcon

"Sure enough, the “Insider’s Guide To Marville” illustrates that Kingpin
is, in fact, historically a large white man and that for him to be
played—or inhabited or whatever it is Lee is doing here—by a small black
man is incongruous in a way that apparently struck Jemas as funny."

I was in my 20's during the 90's. Maxx sucked.

Those characters look like they are from a animated sitcom that was never made.

Let's see: Ted Turner is a doofus, Spike Lee is the Kingpin of Crime, Rush Limbaugh
is a godlike hero (and slender, to boot), intelligent design is real
with the theory of evolution decried as short-sighted and stupid (not to
mention Jack directly insults paleontologists), the original humans
were white, there's lots

Ha ha, charade you are.

The book is on Kindle, though it's a sloppy OCR version that sometimes gets words and punctuation wrong.

ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (Laserblast on MST3K)