Hemingway's Shotgun

Honestly it makes too much sense.

$5000??? We could almost buy our own ship for that much!

I was actually in the audience for this taping! Mr. Keitel told an even longer, meandering version of this story that was cut down quite a bit for air.

Man. I really did not like The Irishman. Even if it was in the top 25, I can’t believe AVClub put it at number one. That’s just insane to me.


This is stupidly simple. Just order appetizers. Then, just order the next course you want. Then just order the next course you want after that. YOU don’t have to order everything all at once.

Like the Universal Dark Universe? With the mummys and the draculas?

I like it. The chicken cutlet is really good. I’d rank it in the top 50 restaurants in Austin, but putting it in the top 50 new restaurants in America is questionable.

Please bring this feature back!

What if (and I’m just spitballing here) the publisher didn’t provide the book to Amazon until a time reasonably close to the embargo so that Amazon couldn’t pull this horseshit?

Thanks, Shia!

I know some of the clothes they wore on Parks & Rec were unrealistic for the characters. Just the fact that they had different clothes every episode is unrealistic. But back in the day I worked at Target, and I remember noticing that one of the blouses Anne Perkins wore was actually from Target. So the costume

I mean... I’m not against the replacement soundtrack. It still kind of works.

Let’s get back to the things that really matter: Family. Coronas. NOS. And stealing DVD players.

I hate those damned scooters.

This movie is truly terrible. It has nothing new to say; the acting is bad; the filmcraft on display is borderline inept.

As someone who had a job that included gathering carts, trust me: there are other things to keep retail employees busy.

When I worked at Target, we used to run frozen pizzas through the Pizza Hut To Go pizza oven all the time- not to serve to customers, but to eat during our lunch break. I would also make sandwiches and run them through the pizza oven to warm them up and get the cheese nice and melty. Calm down people!

I don’t even own a tv!