I read Rubio’s answer as “The submarines are the most critical of the three, but the other two are aging badly as well” from the way he phrased it, but maybe that’s just me.
I read Rubio’s answer as “The submarines are the most critical of the three, but the other two are aging badly as well” from the way he phrased it, but maybe that’s just me.
He did duck the true answer, but at least he knew what the hell the question was and didn’t just ramble.
Rubio at least understood the question. He didn’t answer which one (air, sea, or land) was most in need of modernization, but it was at least clear that Rubio understood the issue.
He doesn’t know what needs modernizing because he doesn’t even know what the “nuclear triad” refers to. His answer was “Nuclear Bad!” like some kind of frenzied Frankenstein’s monster with the transplanted hair of long dead people who also didn’t know what the shit they were talking about.
1000 times yes. He is infuriating to watch and bravo to CNN for leaving the camera on him so much to show his asinine behavior to the world. He’s a childish, bitter, megalomaniacal little c***.
Sort of off topic, but the lead image is what made me think of it... For me, one of the worst parts of Trump, is the level of disdain and annoyance he shows to anyone saying anything he doesn’t like.