
the Army rules.

how much have we spent on the f35 and what do we have to show for it as of now?

I love the fact a Tomcat shows up. Everything is better with Tomcats.

The short answer is that the area-denial weapons capabilities of our likely adversaries are getting better and better every day, and the US Air Force needs to be able to penetrate those defenses without losing planes or pilots in order to accurately strike designated mission targets.

At this rate, this bomber will be killing insurgents in Iceland before the NSX it's actually on showrooms

Somewhere in a cool desert there is a pilot sipping on a coffee waiting for the cover of night before he gets to fly this thing. And I'm sitting here looking at excel spreadsheets.

Has a real-er picture ever been taken? Damn.

Are those boats? Doing a little Somali Pirate hunting? :D

A Smart move. the power of a single 105mm shot combined with the low price of a shell vs a missile shot. of course the breaking defence article had it wrong. the 105mm howitzer on the AC130 is the M102 which is a towed artillery piece that has been modified for the job, the tank gun is the M68 and the two share

You just said that Boston fans were "as fairweather as it gets", but then contradicted yourself by saying that "Sawks fans? Tons." in relation to the 1990-1992 era. Strong in 1990 (never a WS contender), average in 1991, and terrible in 1992. In terms of the Patriots, they never have and never will be considered

It was the media and the Sox brass who ran Tito out of town. People still love him here. Don't come back you loser.

IMO, Macy's Hotel Collection towels are worth it!

Hahahah- Imagine if you were stuck on one of the drop zones as a Pathfinder and the whole mission scrubbed...and no one remembered you were out there.

THE weirdest? have you been on the internet?

THE weirdest? have you been on the internet?

Lemme see.....

Oh John Atkins you are a treasure. Please tell me this is sarcasm. The World Cup? The World Fucking Cup? You mean the World Cup that is going to be held in Qatar because of rampant bribery a transparent bid process? The World Cup that is held at venues being built by indentured serfs foreign workers?

Did you seriously just use "World Cup" in reference to your earlier sentence wherein you referenced "integrity"? That right there shatters any credibility you may have had.

The guys next to me in my office are talking about how they need to kick the Patriots out of the Super Bowl. They spent 10 minutes discussing the ramifications, realized that it would ruin the entire thing, but still think the NFL should do it anyway. The conversation is so stupid that I can't tune it out.

Guys! It's bigger than just football! Can't you see?!

I had never heard of Bob Kravitz before this whole mess. I now know he's a fucking moron.