Jon Stewart’s last episode of The Daily Show is tonight, and everyone promises to miss him, even if, like me, they…
Jon Stewart’s last episode of The Daily Show is tonight, and everyone promises to miss him, even if, like me, they…
Or you can not take away her agency.
I voted for this guy twice and probably would have voted for him a third time if he ran but after this there’s no fuckin way. Suing a news publication over critical coverage and using the NAACP to play interference? For shame KJ, you just squandered all the good will you had earned with me and others in this city.
I am black. In my personal opinion, this is not racist. The only thing I find upsetting about this picture is the fact that a chapter of the NAACP - an organization dedicated to helping people of color - is crying racism over this in an attempt to distract from poltical misconduct. Bullshit and they know it.
Depends.. Was it drawn by a white or black person? If by a black person, then Gawker Rule #362.2 states that it can’t be racist. If by a white person, then Gawker Rule #362.1 states that it’s always racist, regardless of the ‘facial expression’ drawn.
I am far from a liberal but this is the best plan. The less involvement the government has in trying to distribute tax dollars the better. Think about how much is just wasted paying thousands of government employees 80k+ salaries to eventually hand out money to Walmart. And for Walmart to turn around and ride the govt…
I'm nervous about commenting on anything here, but she "lost me" (as in my judgement kicked in, for better or worse, I guess) with the MAD thing. Anything emotional that is only safe because the word 'destruction' is involved is not actually safe, for me.
"In sickness and in health ... except in sickness I will be stepping out on you."
As someone who has had to take care of a sick spouse since our wedding night, I applaud you, sir. My wife's condition, hopefully, will not last forever. She injured herself dancing on her wedding night which led to the discovery that her brain makes too much spinal fluid, causing intense pain in her back, potential…
I'm with you. Basically, what choice does her husband have?? I would assume it is a shot to his ego that he was once an active, vibrant man able to please his wife and she him. Now he can no longer please her sexually and must rely on her for his own well being. So that has to just be mentally and emotionally…
My wife and I have been together for 10 years, married for 4. My wife has a form of muscular dystrophy that, while not preventing us from having sex, reliant on me for essentially everything, from providing food to rolling over at night. She came across the article and was just abhorrent because it hit so close to…
Clearly, you have never been in the military. These kinds of things, although frowned upon by the brass, happen all the time. And you know what? That's great. It's important. You can't do a job as part of a team and have new kids mouthing off and thinking there are no consequences to their stupidity, especially when…
All swatters should be charged with attempted murder.
What's even more sad is that there are many of us in the military industrial complex that look at the A-10 as a success story. It's my favorite plane. I'd love to work on something that worked as well and which was well received by the warfighter.
There is not a person in the military who wouldn't walk away in disgust talking to me about things military, but I know what I've seen this plane do and heard what pilots and those who maintain them praise this plane no end. It truly looks awesome and it would seem still a VITAL component in it's role. I wrote to…
The Warthogs should be transferred to the Army ASAP, which already operates Helicopter Gunships, as the support and service of the A-10 is similar. [I know a few of you folks think it should be the Marines, but their branch will have a harder time keeping up with the Warthogs expensive care and feeding]. If the Air…
Permaculture will save the world.
You don't want to just round the corners to maximize space, you want to follow the contour of the land to maximize water. By following the contour of the land with the rows, you slow down the flow of he water and it sinks into the soil instead of running off. This also stops the erosion of the nutrients in the soil.…
Oh I hope not. I live west of Boston, and already the thought of what it'd do to the area gives me nightmares.
Marty has said that he's going to let the citizens vote on whether or not to hold the Games here, and if that's the case I wouldn't count on it happening. Nobody that lives in Boston wants this to happen. Traffic would be a nightmare, and no one thinks the T would be able to absorb the amount of people that would show…