Not stoic enough... you actually cared that it wasn't a list... Thats how it gets you.
Not stoic enough... you actually cared that it wasn't a list... Thats how it gets you.
Edit: The 4 are bolded...some aren' bad.
NEW YORK — The FBI is investigating allegations that veteran NBA referee Tim Donaghy bet on basketball games over the past two seasons, including ones in which he officiated.
... Basketball? Really? Because that league is really good clean fun
... The pats don't control the colts balls...the colts did...
Oh Edwards is horrible... I miss Cusick and Sanderson...they were awesome.
No, I want the police to have a decent response, and the fact that calling the cops in the manner of swatting should not be a possible death threat.
...The police don't have control over what rights we have or don't have.
I'm not going to argue with a system like that...except you can use landlines, spoofing, etc... Plus who knows if those tools will be used for good or evil...
... I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
I really hope you're being sarcastic.
Do you really want the NSA pulling more of our info? Plus legally they're not supposed to be able to act in the continental US.
So he got wounded...that means he has an air of legitimacy? Aside from his conflict of interest...
Ok...and if you think Boston's history is merely American history... first major city in the New World, flashpoint for the start of the American revolution, which has affected the rest of the world... a little bit.
No no no... then moving weekend we can't see parents getting Uhauls stuck every year... That would ruin it for everyone.
You're proud because a group of special interests put forward a bid without even one public discussion?
You say that nowwwwww... Just wait til your property taxes go up by a percentage point or two.
So... cities like Paris aren't exclusively French history or Rome isn't Italian? Pretty sure any city that is considered historic typically has the countries history.
By forcing entry into each and every person's house in watertown? What do you think would have happened if someone had said no.
That's so not true... Deval wants it, and Josh Fish wants it...and thats all that matters.