For many people, the religious angle is certainly at play as well as his divorce and subsequent marriage to Schwarzenegger’s (I spelled that correctly on my first try!) daughter.
For many people, the religious angle is certainly at play as well as his divorce and subsequent marriage to Schwarzenegger’s (I spelled that correctly on my first try!) daughter.
Broken news
Ok but who wants Thor’s hammer from the worst Thor movie? You’d have to buy it and then tell all your friends it was the one from Ragnarok or something, to avoid embarrassment.
That’s a good point. The Kate/Toby divorce makes perfect sense, was well set up, and made for some of This Is Us’ best scenes, but her suddenly dating and then marrying Phillip really just came out of nowhere. Kate and Phillip have not had very many scenes together and have had even fewer (if any) scenes that hinted…
Series finales can be so hit or miss, but the way this season has gone so far, I’m really optimistic This Is Us is going to stick the landing.
I remember Delores in business professional attire, self-driving taxis, incredibly incompetent henchmen, and Marshawn Lynch. That’s basically it.
You can’t compete with the other Peloton users on your Schwinn though.
I’m still going to watch it, but after the mess that was Season 3, I’m not sure I even want to.
Counterpoint: Kat Dennings plays the most annoying character in the MCU. Every time she makes a sarcastic joke, she pauses as if there’s supposed to be a laugh track.
No matter how they try to slice up the districts, people still need to vote for them. I guess it’s more disheartening that people who vote for people who do these kinds of things exist.
Are fake exhaust tips really a problem? I get that they’re fake, but aren’t they still better than two little dirty tubes sticking out?
These guys seriously think that LGBTQ+ characters should be called out in the same way as “Violence” and “Graphic Nudity”? I’m not surprised at this point, but it’s still so disheartening to think that “we” elected these people.
I noticed the same issue with Harrow. In one scene he’s inside shooting purple beams and in the very next scene he’s on top of the pyramid. The pyramids are over 400 feet high and the guy has a cane, he didn’t get up there that quickly.
If you’re not screencheating, you’re not screentrying.
I’ll buy it! Though they were literally hunting Layla like 30 minutes prior to her sneaking in, so I guess they don’t look at each other either?
It had some good moments, but yea it was kind of a mess.
Here’s the soapbox I want to stand on right now: can we please stop with the “I pull a hood over my head and then suddenly blend in” trope? Layla simply joins the group of Harrow’s followers, even riding in the same truck with them multiple times. Do Harrow’s…
I found an article that crunched the numbers for you, Saldana is number 2 all time.
You’re already giving this “article” too much credit.
Honestly, it can’t make playing Elden Ring any more difficult than it already is.
“Photograph” and “Rockstar” are both terrible, but otherwise Nickelback is fine.