
All of this.


Well, damn.

I was near his tree, and it was awful.



"The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins."

I don't see anywhere in their six-word comment where WillaCatheter said that this guy IS a rapist or even that he IS a potential rapist and/or misogynist.

SAME. :(

I'm a hardcore fan of BBC's Sherlock, so I was cautious about Elementary, but it's turning out to be pretty great! The back and forth between Holmes and Watson is a lot of fun, and Lucy Liu is a badass at playing Watson.

What do you mean by regular? Is that what you call a couple after the lady in the Phillips commercial interrupts their conversation about a digestive problem?

This was my first thought.

Sara without an h over here to say that you'd think she'd be aware of the h issue and make sure to get it right! For shame.

Sara without an h over here, joining the league of commenters whose names are often misspelled. I always super appreciate it when people take a second to ask me if I have an h or not.


Would that be considered a toy or a prop? I imagine that there are tons of nonfunctional gun look-alikes used in tv and movies that obviously do not have the orange tip.

Ah, women veterans should just have the decency to die younger. Got it.

Sure thing. I'm not wild about the requirement to register in the first place, but if it exists, I don't see why slightly more than half the population or so is excused from it.

Sorry, but time and money implementing? If the whole point is that the requirements would stay the same, doesn't implementation only consist of saying that anyone can try?

I was going to say something like this, because women in general face a much higher rate of sexual assault and rape, regardless of career. So why should that be a career-limiting factor? Especially since women can weigh the risks and decide for themselves?