Jo 'Mama' Besser

It's a bit of a running joke because she's been cancelling her tours lately. This time it was because she fell pregnant, last time because Joe was sick and the time before that she was having throat issues. She's supposed to tour next in 2020, but people are already preparing their tight five comedy routine around

How can I come for Janet when she never shows up to her concerts?

I think he divorced her just short of the 10-year mark so she'd get less money.

Creme brulee!!!

If it says 'Lindt' on it I'm not safe.

And racist backlash.

It was coded alright.

She's mad because Ribeiro says Hubert was the crazy one and brought down the whole set.

I do remember a lot of prominent black guys blaming black women (like me) for not sticking up for Parker and selling them out for White Feminism, which never gave a damn about us.

You don't.

I completely agree, it's very much in character for him, but my feelings for that character are… not warm.

I assume so. They're both well-meaning and frequently obnoxious at this point.

I know it is, but I wish that it would occur to his heart that no one cares what it thinks so it shouldn't take over every interaction.

I am right there with you. Right there with you.

She can't be too far gone mentally if she still despises him.

I thought, 'Is he doing this again, especially after Pat? Does he think she won't find out?'

Carol annoys me on her best day, so on this day— it was rough. And when Tandy started lying again, for no reason my jaw clenched. They're going to have to be two characters down again before Erica is allowed to talk, huh?

You are not alone. However much you hate his character, I promise you, I hate him more.

Nothing undercover about him.

MANology. I don't even have the words.