Jo 'Mama' Besser

Never buy things for four-year-olds you're not prepared to lose.

I don't hold the key, this isn't on me.

Hotep feeding frenzy.

The unwed mother.

Good thing he likes the Prison Industrial Complex so much because perjury comes with five years. Who am I kidding, though, will he even have to pay the fine? I imagine he's recusing so he doesn't have to resign, but they really need to fire, fine, disbar and arrest him because that's what's supposed to happen in this

It's a stretch, but Nutcracker Suite/Fantasia Both scenes featured dancing, of sorts.

It boiled down to him being so proud that a woman who isn't classically beautiful could be so admired.

It's been going on for years and I hate it. These dudes look like they were abandoned by their parents.

Like Jordan Peele.

Can we really call Louis C.K. a redhead anymore?

Ohhhhhhhhhh! It all falls into place.

I have faith that they'll tweak the character into something more, it's early days, yet. To me, he feels shoehorned in, as if they've got this guy on contract so they had better think of something for him to do. We'll see.

Agree on Jimmy, he's pointless and annoying, but I find Sabrina unbearable so I'm all over the place.

And that black people's lives as a collective lack value and aren't worth protecting because of violence in a particular city. The vast majority of mass shooter are white, should I mow down every white person I see because, 'Well, this is just your culture talking, it's out of my hands'? By the 'What about Chicago?'

Oh, I believe it, some people are fine with cutting off the nose to spite the face as long they can keep 'those people' in their place. The racist streak within the progressive faction isn't thin, It isn't Trump thick, but it definitely 'knows what's best' for minorities while at the same time barely acknowledging

Legally, he can't speak about it, so there's no point in asking him directly.

I partially had that in mind, the amount of disease which surrounds them and the complete lack of resources that they would have in combating them. Plus, the dearth of sanitation would beggar belief when you consider that you have a world that has not been maintained and soaks in festering death. The babies may be

No worries about the Americentric thing, it happens with Canadian places all the time. The only place I can think of where American people automatically default to the Canadian location is Vancouver, but otherwise, unless you're going to Tuktoyaktuk, people think you're below the border.

Come see me in Ontario and tell me the story!

It's 'madam' and thank-you.