Jo 'Mama' Besser

Frylock makes them, and I think he's black. He gets no love for it, though. I've never had it and I've never had meatloaf, either. I don't know about America, but in Canada, black people don't play with casseroles or meatloafs.

See also: 'The Blacks'.

You're right, they've peered into my sense of wonderment and found it wanting.

I did not realise that this was real, and then I did.

No coincidence that this episode came out not too long after that Michael Faye incident. Of course the rub was that Bart, the little imp, actually deserved what he was going to get. If I remember correctly, Faye's (like Bart's) sentence was actually reduced.

Oh, Lord. Baby Spice is looking like Cersei Lannister.

So… their backs are all broken now, right?

'If'. Quadruple first cousins aren't pretty, literally and figuratively.

There will always be women who have relatively quick or easy births, but my guess is that the first call they make is to a midwife or OB/GYN asking about cords and afterbirth.

Funny thing, I'm aware of the fact that civilization didn't begin with the year 2005, but these people have no medical training/tools, let alone obstetric, pre or post-natal care doesn't exist anymore and they are surrounded by expired food, medicine and stagnant water and let's not forget about all the non- 'the

I was agreeing with you, short jokes aren't reserved for men, so while it's a bigger deal for guys to be called short, Pam didn't go after his race.

As if people don't make fun of short girls/women. I'm 5'0 and I got teased relentlessly until I was in my mid-twenties. You'd think height is a choice or point of character. Heck, I still get it now, just not as much.

Who would even want to be pregnant in that environment, when mother and/or baby (babies) will surely die?

It shows.

She seems to acting like someone who is legitimately mentally ill. Raskolnikov, she is not.


Apart from the HTGAWM bit (and that's only because I've never seen the show), I so heartily agree with everything you've said that I'm in danger of damaging some vertebrae from nodding so hard and so much.

They're almost as insufferable as the big Julia Sugarbaker righteous indignation tears.

Lorelai, you are almost 50 years old, this isn't cute; visit Bellvue and stay for a while.

I thought season six was the worst by a country mile, Luke and Lorelai have never worked for me (I know, I know), so their stunted engagement was just so dull to me. And frigging April, Jack-in-the-box Jesus she and her mother were awful, maybe even more so than the tired unearthed love child trope. As far as Rory